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Whitney Weiler, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Body Code Practitioner, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Certified Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner, Certified Biofield Practitioner (Tuning Forks), Energetic Transformations Practitioner, Volunteer for Healing Partners Program with Stanford 

Two Generations of healers.  Mother and Daughter Duo have a gift of healing with over 30 years of experience between the two. 

Connie and Whitney are committed to listening to what your body is telling you it needs.  They believe in individualized care for each person.  As healers, they know that the true healing is removing the emotional & physical blocks that are preventing you from healing.  They work with you to determine your body's own needs and priorities for healing with a variety of non-invasive techniques.

Connie Weiler, Emotion Code Practitioner, Body Code Practitioner, Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice, Energetic Transformations Practitioner

Phone:  408-412-9655

Campbell, CA


Available by Appointment:  Email, Phone, Zoom, and FaceTime

Phone:  715-305-8693


Available by:  Appointment, Phone, and Email.

Office:  813 Western Ave, Mosinee WI 54455

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