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frequently Asked Questions For the Emotion and Body Code

How does a session work?  When we have our session, we’ll take a few minutes to talk about your health–physical, emotional and/or spiritual, and where you’d like it to be. From there we’ll decide where to focus our session. I will simply connect to your energy field with your permission and act as a “proxy” for you. This means that I muscle test on myself in your behalf.  I’ll be using the gentle, simple, yet powerful techniques of the Body Code and Emotion Code to detect the underlying causes of imbalance in your energy system and release them. We just talk and I’ll fully explain the releasing we need to do. I ask a series of questions (of your subconscious) and receive yes or no responses while I muscle test.

Email sessions are just as effective, and are preferred by busy people who have a hard time coordinating schedules with me.  If you choose an email session, I will send you a questionnaire to get all the information I need to begin working on you.  I will email you my notes from the session.


What can I expect to experience after a session?  You may feel a sense of release.  Generally, clients say they feel lighter, more peaceful and less anxious in comparison to the beginning of the session.  Some notice they sleep extremely well the night after the session.  Others may feel emotionally labile as the body adjusts.  Some clients see or feel immediate results. Others experience subtle changes over time. And there are those who are unaware that anything changed.   Remember that we are working with imbalances, and it's up to your body to adjust to those changes. Everyone’s experience is unique. Some may need more release work before major shifts begin to take place.


How long does it take my body to process the energies we cleared? The body can usually process emotions between 24 and 48 hours. Although the energies may process quickly oftentimes the energies cause damage to the physical body and they may take four to seven days, or longer for the physical body to heal, depending on the amount of damage caused.


If I do a session to clear my weight block will I automatically start losing weight? Not always. This depends on the individual. I have had some clients begin to notice themselves losing weight within a week or so, others none at all. If you don’t start losing weight within the first week or two, and your diet is healthy, that may be a sign that there are other underlying imbalance affecting the weight, and more sessions would be needed.


When can I expect to see results from the work we do? This all depends on how deeply rooted the issue is. I have had some clients show great progress after only one or two session, while others have needed much more until they started showing progress on a specific issue. The body is like an onion, only willing to release so much at once. It is hard to gauge in advance how many sessions are needed for a specific issue. Also, if you come from a very traumatic background, there is usually more clearing needed to bring balance back to your system.


How frequent do I need sessions? Regular sessions can be as close together as once a week, or as far apart as once every three weeks. Irregular sessions can be done on an as needed basis. Whether that be once a month, once every few months etc. The most important thing is to periodically make sure you do an energy session, it is like a tune up for the energies of the body. It keeps us humming on a good vibration if we take care of our energies in a healthy way.


What is remote energy healing, how does it work? Energy is everywhere. It is not a physical, tangible object therefore it is not bound by the limits of space. Because it is has no bounds, as a practitioner, I can set aside the needs of my own body and “tune into” your energies. Once I make a connection, I can clear negative energies from you even though we are in different places of the world.


How does it work over the phone? Remote healing is easily done over the phone. You call me and I tune into your energies. I then find trapped negative energies and clear them, the same I would if you were in my home sitting beside me.


What is an email session? Sometimes living in different time zones, and with everyone’s very very busy schedules, we can set up an email session. That is where I tune into your energies and I work on you remotely. While I work, I write everything I find, and send it over to you in an email. You do not have to be on the phone for this session, and the benefits are the same as if it were done in person or on the phone.​


What type of health issues can this work for? Any and all. I have worked on clients with thyroid issues, fatigue, neck pain, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, sleep issues, cancer, ruptured disk, vertigo, MS, morning sickness, etc.


What is stopping me from reaching my goals? Just as these energies can affect our health, they can also stop us from reaching our goals. We often have barriers or blocks in the way of us achieving our goals. For example, if you are trying to find a companion, and have had no success for years you may have a block that is 100% strong. This is like a WALL of negative energy created by your subconscious that literally makes it impossible to accomplish what you have set out to do. You can have blocks to anything. Cooking, eating healthy, relationships, money, losing weight, exercising, stopping smoking, etc.


Does this work for children? Yes. I have seen positive results for kids with high anxiety, ADD, ADHD, anger issues, trouble potty training, etc. I have also helped my own children with the occasional cold or rash.


Can you do this for pets? Yes. Pets do have emotions as well, and can get them trapped which cause behavioral issues as well as illness. If you dog is suddenly having issues going to the bathroom in the house, or he won’t stop crying every time you put him outside this could help. Any and all pets could benefit, dogs, cats, horses, etc.  


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